Friday, February 02, 2007

Defending the Pro-Life position on Stem Cell Research

As usual, Emily's latest column has sparked some debate on the boards of the Reveille's website. Once again, if you have the time to post we'd appreciate it. There are actually two boards on the Reveille's website devoted to embryonic stem cell research as Emily's columns was published as part of a side by side with a pro-stem cell column If you can't respond take a moment to read some of the replies. I would especially point you to two posters. Our very own Ryan Hallford has some very good theological and moral points that he raises while a poster named Carl Giffin lays forth an incredibly well-done scientific angle on the problem that manages to be both well-informed and understandable to scientific laymen. In the interests of full disclosure, Carl also happens to be my best friend but I think you'll all agree with me that his posts are excellent additions to the debate.

Board of Comments for Emily Byers' article

Board for the pro-stem cell research column

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