Here is a little piece of encouragement from our beloved Pontiff from the Zenit news story posted at
"Benedict XVI says he hopes universities can be the home of an ever increasing witness to the Gospel.
The Pope expressed this wish in a note sent to a European meeting on pastoral ministry in universities, sponsored by the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences. The three-day meeting concluded Sunday in Bucharest.
In his message, the Holy Father expressed his desire that the meeting “promote an evermore living contemplation of Christ, Word of the Father, in such a way as to awaken a growing and generous evangelical witness within universities.”"
Let us continue to rejoice in prayer and thanksgiving as the Parousians continue this mission. May we pray for Holy Mother Church and the intentions of our Holy Father!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, October 22, 2007
Check out Arrival: The Parousian Weblog, a collaborative effort between Parousians across the country.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
LSU Gets a New Priest!
Daily Reveille on Fr. Jason Palermo
Keep Fr. Palermo in your prayers as he starts his ministry at Christ the King!
Keep Fr. Palermo in your prayers as he starts his ministry at Christ the King!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Exciting News
Jason Lalonde, who founded the Parousians at the University of Florida, has been approved as a novitate for the Jesuits! The clipping from the announcement reads:
Jason LaLonde (27), born in Lakeland, FL; graduated from the Harrison Center for the Visual and Performing Arts at Lakeland High School; received a B.A. in English and History from Florida State University and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Florida; as an undergraduate, produced and hosted opera and classical music programs for public radio; studied flute and piccolo and played in several musical ensembles; as a graduate student, served as VP of Student Development for the MBA Association and consulted for GatorNest Business Consulting; was active in numerous ministries and programs at St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center in Gainesville, including serving as a sacristan for daily mass; regularly volunteered at the Gainesville Catholic Worker House and helped manage an organic garden used to teach underprivileged youth to grow and harvest vegetables; most recent job was Senior Marketing Specialist with SumTotal Systems, Inc., a global provider of enterprise-level talent management software; previously worked in arts administration for the Santa Fe Opera (NM) and Sarasota Opera (FL); enjoys SEC football, recreational sports, hiking, fishing, kayaking, cycling, running, weight lifting, classical music, opera, theatre, literature, and cooking for friends; attended the December Discernment retreat; contact info: jason.c.lalonde@gmail.comCongratulations to Jason. Please keep him in your prayers as he goes through the process of becoming a Jesuit.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Prayer Request
Some of you might know that Toby's father has been in the hospital. There are some difficulties with his father's treatment and so prayers are needed. Thanks.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Interview with De Jesus
I hope there is a video of this later, but scrolling through I found an interview of De Jesus by Glen Beck.
The transcript is here.It's toward the end.
A few gems:
The transcript is here.It's toward the end.
A few gems:
BECK: OK. And it`s weird, Jesus said he was going to come back as a thief in the night, and you`ve been arrested for petty theft. But the band that says, "What would Jesus do?" Let me ask you this, you have a Cartier Pasha watch -- I`m a watch collector -- and it`s encrusted in diamonds. I understand that`s a $142,000 watch. You have a 7 Series BMW, an armored Lexus. You live on $130,000 a year, but they say that you live over your lifestyle and your means. You were arrested for heroin and petty theft. Wouldn`t the question really be, what would Jesus not do?
BECK: Jesus, it`s been good to have you on. It really has. We`re out of time. I wanted to ask if you felt a little ripped off by your birthday being on Christmas or if you get the two presents or not, but thank you very much, and we`ll be back in just a minute.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Special Announcement
I wanted to share (& care!) with everybody that I found out tonight that I have been given a job as an opinion columnist with the Daily Reveille!
It's going to be weird posting my own columns to the blog. Thanks for praying for me while this was going on and be sure to keep me and my column in your prayers!
It's going to be weird posting my own columns to the blog. Thanks for praying for me while this was going on and be sure to keep me and my column in your prayers!
Monday, May 07, 2007
And God will make him a cake
H/t to Salve Regina
"...And God will make him a cake
Really powerful pro-life story of a Anglican observing his Catholic daughter carry a baby with a fatal condition to term.
"...And God will make him a cake
Really powerful pro-life story of a Anglican observing his Catholic daughter carry a baby with a fatal condition to term.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Emily Byers's Last Column
Emily Byers on the love of the poor
Emily ends her fantastic run as columnist for the Daily Reveille with a piece about the poor. Be sure to look over her previous columns and thank her for a job well done!
Previous Columns by Emily Byers
Emily ends her fantastic run as columnist for the Daily Reveille with a piece about the poor. Be sure to look over her previous columns and thank her for a job well done!
Previous Columns by Emily Byers
Monday, April 30, 2007
Mother Teresa & the Dark Night of the Soul
The Abandonment of Mother Teresa
Really good article about the spiritual trials Mother Teresa went through.
Really good article about the spiritual trials Mother Teresa went through.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Exciting Announcements!
Courtesy of Drudge, we now know that Pope Benedict XVI is coming to the US! He will be visiting the UN in New York and speaking there. The dates are still not set but be watching for it. The story is here. New York would make a great Parousian field trip, eh?
However, we have another story to celebrate! Today I received verification that the Parousians have become an official organization at LSU! woohoo! This means we'll get to do lots of cool stuff and receive money from SG (perhaps for a field trip to New York lol). This is pretty good news and has been a while in the making so thanks to everyone who made it happen.
However, we have another story to celebrate! Today I received verification that the Parousians have become an official organization at LSU! woohoo! This means we'll get to do lots of cool stuff and receive money from SG (perhaps for a field trip to New York lol). This is pretty good news and has been a while in the making so thanks to everyone who made it happen.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
How to defend the faith
How to Defend the Catholic Faith
Really good post by Katerina over at Evangelical Catholicism. The big thing I got from this is not letting the easy attacks provoke but be indifferent. I have too much of what like to call the "St. Michael tendency" which is when someone says something stupid, I want to personally cast them into hell by ripping them apart. But that's not "saintly" at all; love instead is the answer.
Really good post by Katerina over at Evangelical Catholicism. The big thing I got from this is not letting the easy attacks provoke but be indifferent. I have too much of what like to call the "St. Michael tendency" which is when someone says something stupid, I want to personally cast them into hell by ripping them apart. But that's not "saintly" at all; love instead is the answer.
Virginia Tech
Fr. Schall on the Virginia Tech Killings
This is a very thoughtful meditation on the impacts of killings at Virginia Tech & all deaths of young people on our faith.
This is a very thoughtful meditation on the impacts of killings at Virginia Tech & all deaths of young people on our faith.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Another Great Showing By the Parousians
Our own Angela Miceli was invited to participate in a panel tonight entitled "Women in Religion." In short, she was supposed to discuss how it is to be a Roman Catholic woman. Other panelists included a Sunni Muslim, an Atheist, and a Wiccan/Buddhist/Unitarian (and no, that's not a joke. She's a Wiccan who loves Buddhist dancing and incorporates it into her spirituality which she uses as a professional youth minister in the Unitarian Church).
This event was sponsored by W.O.W., Women Organizing Women, a very feminist group. As a result, we knew Angela would face some opposition at the panel so we endeavored to try to get as many Catholics to come and support her. We've had success with this already this year, successfully matching VOX (the campus chapter of Planned Parenthood which is incidentally run by the same person) person for person. e
Not only did we duplicate that result, we exceeded it. The room count was, including the Atheist and Unitarian, 11 people against Catholicism. This did include 2 Protestants, so WOW only got about 9 of their people there. We had 15. So that's 6 more people then WOW could get and 4 more people overall in the room. That's assuming some of the people I didn't know were in fact not Catholic.
So the panel started and Angela did not fail to impress the now home crowd. She was obviously the best prepared and most consistent speaker there. A few Parousians asked really intelligent questions to the panel. To be frank, the panel doesn't flow without us there.
This is exactly what we want to do by engaging the community. We helped make the dialogue richer by adding to it the truth of the Catholic faith. We hope to be able to put on some panels of our own next year.
Once again, I was very impressed with the LSU Parousians. Thanks to everyone who managed to come out. Thanks to Mary-Grace & Emily specifically for helping to tell us about the event and inviting people to make sure that we had the turnout we did. And special thanks to Angela and everyone who helped her this week for putting on an incredible defense of the faith.
This event was sponsored by W.O.W., Women Organizing Women, a very feminist group. As a result, we knew Angela would face some opposition at the panel so we endeavored to try to get as many Catholics to come and support her. We've had success with this already this year, successfully matching VOX (the campus chapter of Planned Parenthood which is incidentally run by the same person) person for person. e
Not only did we duplicate that result, we exceeded it. The room count was, including the Atheist and Unitarian, 11 people against Catholicism. This did include 2 Protestants, so WOW only got about 9 of their people there. We had 15. So that's 6 more people then WOW could get and 4 more people overall in the room. That's assuming some of the people I didn't know were in fact not Catholic.
So the panel started and Angela did not fail to impress the now home crowd. She was obviously the best prepared and most consistent speaker there. A few Parousians asked really intelligent questions to the panel. To be frank, the panel doesn't flow without us there.
This is exactly what we want to do by engaging the community. We helped make the dialogue richer by adding to it the truth of the Catholic faith. We hope to be able to put on some panels of our own next year.
Once again, I was very impressed with the LSU Parousians. Thanks to everyone who managed to come out. Thanks to Mary-Grace & Emily specifically for helping to tell us about the event and inviting people to make sure that we had the turnout we did. And special thanks to Angela and everyone who helped her this week for putting on an incredible defense of the faith.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Empowerment and Liberation
Part two of Melinda Selmys's article from National Catholic Register on feminism, titled: Faith & Feminism, Part 2: Liberation and Empowerment. She discusses the feminist goals of achieving "empowerment" and "liberation" for women and how the Church offers true empowerment and liberation that isn't vague and doesn't depend on external circumstances.
#15 Screwtape Letters: the Present
Screwtape brings back the subject of the war. There is a lull in the war and Wormwood wants to know how to take advantage of this, whether to pursue “tortured fear” or “stupid confidence?” For Screwtape this brings up the question of time. He explains,
So Screwtape’s advice is to get the patient off from the Present. The past is a possibility but limited because the past itself is limited. So the future holds the most promise. It is, “the least like eternity” because it most invites us to think entirely imaginary. Sin itself is a type of looking to the future as we are concerned with the future pleasures when we commit to sin. As Screwtape says,
Now, Screwtape is not looking forward to encourage all types of thinking about the future. Planning for the future is good. What Screwtape wants is agonizing & focusing on the future even after the planning so that the patient will be
Thus Screwtape succeeds twofold when we look too much towards the future. 1) We miss out on the graces that are being offered right now to us which prevents us from growing closer to God. 2) We become obsessed with a unreal world and the pleasures of it which makes us more likely to sin as sin is based on the hope of future pleasures.
I want to conclude using the lyrics of a Garth Brooks song:
Tomorrow might not come. We can do our greatest good now; let us not keep putting things off. We have the opportunity to tell our loved ones we love them today; we have the opportunity to love people today; we have the opportunity to love and serve God today. If tomorrow never comes we shouldn’t have to wish that it had.
Next Letter: the Liturgy
“The humans live in time but our Enemy destines them to eternity. He therefore, I believe, wants them to attend chiefly to two things, to eternity itself, and to that point of time which they call the Present. For the present is the point at time at which time touches eternity. Of the present moment, and of it only, humans have an experience analogous to the experience which our Enemy has of reality as a whole; in it alone freedom and actuality are offered them. He would therefore have them…either meditating on their eternal union with, or separation from, Himself, or else obeying the present voice of conscience, bearing the present cross, receiving the present grace, giving thanks for the present pleasure.”
So Screwtape’s advice is to get the patient off from the Present. The past is a possibility but limited because the past itself is limited. So the future holds the most promise. It is, “the least like eternity” because it most invites us to think entirely imaginary. Sin itself is a type of looking to the future as we are concerned with the future pleasures when we commit to sin. As Screwtape says,
“Nearly all vices are rooted in the future. Gratitude looks to the past and love to the present; fear, avarice, lust, and amibition look ahead…When the present pleasure arrives, the sin is already over.”
Now, Screwtape is not looking forward to encourage all types of thinking about the future. Planning for the future is good. What Screwtape wants is agonizing & focusing on the future even after the planning so that the patient will be
“haunted by visions of an imminent heaven or hell on earth…We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of a rainbow’s end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using as mere fuel wherewith to heap the altar of the future every real gift which is offered them in the Present.”
Thus Screwtape succeeds twofold when we look too much towards the future. 1) We miss out on the graces that are being offered right now to us which prevents us from growing closer to God. 2) We become obsessed with a unreal world and the pleasures of it which makes us more likely to sin as sin is based on the hope of future pleasures.
I want to conclude using the lyrics of a Garth Brooks song:
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That shes my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last.
Tomorrow might not come. We can do our greatest good now; let us not keep putting things off. We have the opportunity to tell our loved ones we love them today; we have the opportunity to love people today; we have the opportunity to love and serve God today. If tomorrow never comes we shouldn’t have to wish that it had.
Next Letter: the Liturgy
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sacred Art
Why We Need Sacred Art
We've talked a lot of about the transcendental of beauty this semester so I figured this article which talks about why Protestants largely reject the use of this transcendental would interest many of you.
We've talked a lot of about the transcendental of beauty this semester so I figured this article which talks about why Protestants largely reject the use of this transcendental would interest many of you.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Screwtape Letter #14-Humility
The patient, having recovered from the his lapse, is now more mature in the faith. No longer is he making “lavish promises of perpetual virtue” but now “only a hope for the daily and hourly pittance to meet the daily and hourly temptation!” The patient then has now become humble and as Screwtape says, “This is very bad.”
Bad, but not hopeless for the demons. Humility is a difficult virtue to practice and Wormwood has a chance to ensnare him in it. Screwtape first proposes trying to get him to be prideful.
This is something discussed by Christ in the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. The Pharisee prays to God thanking Him for making him better than everyone else and more virtuous. Perhaps the best way to avoid this is not to declare that we’re not humble but simply to remind ourselves that we can be more humble and have failed to be humble in the past.
So then what is this humility that we are striving for? Screwtape says of the virtue that “By this virtue, as by all the others, our Enemy wants to turn the man’s attention away from self to Him, and to the man’s neighbours.” The easy way for Screwtape to counteract humility then is to pervert it so that the attention is refocused on the self.
What Screwtape is saying is that if humility is about not taking joy in our gifts, then the focus is still on ourselves and not on God. It is also focusing on falsehood which is contrary to the truth that is Christ. Instead a realistic and accurate portrayal of our abilities is necessary.
Screwtape goes on to discuss how true humility is practiced. What it means is to be indifferent to the fact that we have the gifts. That is, if we’re arguing with the people in free speech alley, it doesn’t matter who delivers the logical blow that topples their house of cards. It matters that the blow is delivered and we should rejoice in the accomplishment in argumentation. Humility then is an indifference to the self which allows us to more fully love others and most importantly love God. The paradox is, as Screwtape points out, that “when they have really learned to love their neighbors as themselves, they will be allowed to love themselves as their neighbors.”
Bad, but not hopeless for the demons. Humility is a difficult virtue to practice and Wormwood has a chance to ensnare him in it. Screwtape first proposes trying to get him to be prideful.
“Catch him at the moment when he is really poor in spirit and smuggle into his mind the gratifying reflection, ‘By jove! I’m being humble,’ and almost immediately pride - pride at his own humility - will appear. If he awakes to the danger and tries to smother this new form of pride, make him proud of his attempt - and so on.”
This is something discussed by Christ in the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. The Pharisee prays to God thanking Him for making him better than everyone else and more virtuous. Perhaps the best way to avoid this is not to declare that we’re not humble but simply to remind ourselves that we can be more humble and have failed to be humble in the past.
So then what is this humility that we are striving for? Screwtape says of the virtue that “By this virtue, as by all the others, our Enemy wants to turn the man’s attention away from self to Him, and to the man’s neighbours.” The easy way for Screwtape to counteract humility then is to pervert it so that the attention is refocused on the self.
“Let him think of it not as self-forgetfulness but as a certain kind of opinion…of his own talents and character. Some talents, I gather, he really has. Fix in his mind the idea that humility consists in trying to believe those talents to be less valuable than he believes them to be. No doubt they are in fact less valuable than he believes, but that is not the point. The great thing is to make him value an opinion for some quality other than truth, thus introducing an element of dishonesty and make-believe into the heart of what otherwise threatens to become a virtue. By this method thousands of humans have been brought to think that humility means pretty women trying to believe they are ugly and clever men trying to believe they are fools…. their minds (are) endlessly revolving on themselves in an effort to achieve the impossible.”
What Screwtape is saying is that if humility is about not taking joy in our gifts, then the focus is still on ourselves and not on God. It is also focusing on falsehood which is contrary to the truth that is Christ. Instead a realistic and accurate portrayal of our abilities is necessary.
Screwtape goes on to discuss how true humility is practiced. What it means is to be indifferent to the fact that we have the gifts. That is, if we’re arguing with the people in free speech alley, it doesn’t matter who delivers the logical blow that topples their house of cards. It matters that the blow is delivered and we should rejoice in the accomplishment in argumentation. Humility then is an indifference to the self which allows us to more fully love others and most importantly love God. The paradox is, as Screwtape points out, that “when they have really learned to love their neighbors as themselves, they will be allowed to love themselves as their neighbors.”
Women's Rights & Wrongs
Tonight the LSU bunch is going to have a presentation on Edith Stein's Feminism & then on Thursday many of us will be going to a panel discussion on Women in Religion hosted by the campus chapter of W.O.W. This article gives a good brief outline of feminism so I thought it would be helpful to us tonight & the rest of the week.
Tonight the LSU bunch is going to have a presentation on Edith Stein's Feminism & then on Thursday many of us will be going to a panel discussion on Women in Religion hosted by the campus chapter of W.O.W. This article gives a good brief outline of feminism so I thought it would be helpful to us tonight & the rest of the week.
Friday, April 13, 2007
A Post on my Blog about a Feminist Church
Something from that my blog that was I was asked to also post here: Really Glad I'm Catholic
This is, as I say there, courtesy of Mark Shea and Fr. Bryce Sibley.
This is, as I say there, courtesy of Mark Shea and Fr. Bryce Sibley.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Order Through Prayer
Good Friday is the day in which the greatest disorder happened: man killed his creator. The greatest evil happened yet it was met with prayer and the even greater love. Joey Reed submitted this reflection on order and prayer a while ago, and I thought it was good enough to save for Holy Week. So enjoy:
In teaching my students about what it means to be an image of God, a much clearer view of human nature has emerged within my own spiritual vision.
What is natural to man? Is indulgence in worldly affairs natural? Is revelry in sexual adventure that which completes man? To know what is natural to man, one must first know man’s nature.
To say that something is natural, one is claiming that that which is deemed natural is in accordance with the nature of the thing being observed. For example, is it natural for a fish to swim? Of course it is. By observing the nature of the fish, the conclusion is easily reached that swimming is natural to the fish, for that is part of its nature. A fish that doesn’t swim quickly dies. A bird that doesn’t fly falls to its death. A man that doesn’t pray is crushed under the weight of the world, for he is not made for the world in both his and its present state.
This begs the question: What is man’s nature? The answer is both simple and profound -- man is an image of God. The image must tell us something of that which it reflects, and if the image is a reflection of eternity, then to reflect eternity for all eternity is what is natural to it. This is confirmed by St. Gregory of Nyssa in his Catechetical Orations in which he writes:
“If humanity is called to life in order to share in the divine nature, it must have been suitably constituted for the purpose…That is why humanity was given life, intelligence, wisdom, and all the qualities worthy of the godhead, so that each one of them should cause it to desire the godhead, so that each one of them should cause it to desire what is akin to it. And since eternity is inherent in the godhead, it was absolutely imperative that our nature should not lack it but should have in itself the principle of immortality. By virtue of this inborn faculty it could always be drawn towards what is superior to it and retain the desire for eternity.”
God is all good, and order is good. Therefore, God is Order itself. We see a reflection of the face of God in His creation. The Orthodox theologian Olivier Clement in his book “The Roots of Christian Mysticism” writes: “Each being manifests the creative word which gives it its identity and attracts it. Each being manifests a dynamic idea, something willed by God. Ultimately each thing is a created name of him who cannot be named.” There is order in creation, for its Creator is order itself. Order begets order. Man is an image of God, therefore he is made in the image of Order. Order is part of man’s nature as an image of God, therefore disorder is unnatural to man.
In God, all of His attributes are one. Because he is eternal and infinite, He cannot be made of parts, nor does He possess parts. He is one is His essence. This has infinite implications, a few being that His order is His love, His love is His justice, His justice is His love, His love is His order, etc. God is all these good things, and man being an image of God finds in them his natural habitat. It is natural for man to have order both in the world and in his mind, will, and body. It is natural for man to love, to seek justice, etc. It is unnatural for man to do anything else. Yet more often than not, we do that which is unnatural to us and claim that it is simply human nature. This couldn’t be farther from the truth! To do anything but love, seek justice, obey God, etc. is to introduce disorder into our minds, wills, and bodies. Disorder in the human soul is manifested in many and various ways, all of which are hideous to the ordered soul.
Who is the man that embraces disorder? He is the one that is confused, addicted, angry, materialistic, yet all the while convincing himself that he has found happiness and contentment. Of course, the conclusions of a disordered mind will almost always be disordered.
How must a disordered system be overcome? By introducing order into the system. When it comes to the human soul made in the image and likeness of Order, Order must be brought into the disordered soul. By an opening up of the soul to the influence of Order through the indwelling of Order can the human soul begin to banish from it the darkness of disorder. This opening up of the soul is called prayer, which is as natural to man as barking is to a dog, as flying is to a bird, as swimming is to a fish. Yet we are like dogs that do not know how to bark and fish that cannot swim. We are dominated by the world which was created to be dominated by us. How absolutely unnatural!
Prayer is our best bet for happiness as happiness can only be found in order. In fact, order is happiness. The purpose of prayer is to turn outside of ourselves, to empty the image in order to be filled with the reality. It is our nature to empty ourselves to both God and neighbor, that in emptying ourselves we may be filled. Fulfillment in emptiness! Yet another of those wonderful Christian paradoxes.
How can we know that our calling is to turn and open to others? If we were created to turn in on ourselves, then our eyes would be facing the opposite direction. We would be created to look inward. But according to nature that is not so. We look outward. It is in looking outward that we can empty ourselves just as the greatest Man, the God-man, did: “Who though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped; Rather, He emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave…”
Through prayer, we look outward to the Source of all order and happiness. Through prayer, we empty ourselves of our worldly accretions, placing ourselves under the direct influence of a Perfect Order. As Order begins to reign in our souls, so, too, does love, truth, joy, peace, and all other attributes of God.
We pray in order that the unnatural be overcome by the natural, that darkness might become light, and that disorder be crushed under the liberating weight of Order.
In teaching my students about what it means to be an image of God, a much clearer view of human nature has emerged within my own spiritual vision.
What is natural to man? Is indulgence in worldly affairs natural? Is revelry in sexual adventure that which completes man? To know what is natural to man, one must first know man’s nature.
To say that something is natural, one is claiming that that which is deemed natural is in accordance with the nature of the thing being observed. For example, is it natural for a fish to swim? Of course it is. By observing the nature of the fish, the conclusion is easily reached that swimming is natural to the fish, for that is part of its nature. A fish that doesn’t swim quickly dies. A bird that doesn’t fly falls to its death. A man that doesn’t pray is crushed under the weight of the world, for he is not made for the world in both his and its present state.
This begs the question: What is man’s nature? The answer is both simple and profound -- man is an image of God. The image must tell us something of that which it reflects, and if the image is a reflection of eternity, then to reflect eternity for all eternity is what is natural to it. This is confirmed by St. Gregory of Nyssa in his Catechetical Orations in which he writes:
“If humanity is called to life in order to share in the divine nature, it must have been suitably constituted for the purpose…That is why humanity was given life, intelligence, wisdom, and all the qualities worthy of the godhead, so that each one of them should cause it to desire the godhead, so that each one of them should cause it to desire what is akin to it. And since eternity is inherent in the godhead, it was absolutely imperative that our nature should not lack it but should have in itself the principle of immortality. By virtue of this inborn faculty it could always be drawn towards what is superior to it and retain the desire for eternity.”
God is all good, and order is good. Therefore, God is Order itself. We see a reflection of the face of God in His creation. The Orthodox theologian Olivier Clement in his book “The Roots of Christian Mysticism” writes: “Each being manifests the creative word which gives it its identity and attracts it. Each being manifests a dynamic idea, something willed by God. Ultimately each thing is a created name of him who cannot be named.” There is order in creation, for its Creator is order itself. Order begets order. Man is an image of God, therefore he is made in the image of Order. Order is part of man’s nature as an image of God, therefore disorder is unnatural to man.
In God, all of His attributes are one. Because he is eternal and infinite, He cannot be made of parts, nor does He possess parts. He is one is His essence. This has infinite implications, a few being that His order is His love, His love is His justice, His justice is His love, His love is His order, etc. God is all these good things, and man being an image of God finds in them his natural habitat. It is natural for man to have order both in the world and in his mind, will, and body. It is natural for man to love, to seek justice, etc. It is unnatural for man to do anything else. Yet more often than not, we do that which is unnatural to us and claim that it is simply human nature. This couldn’t be farther from the truth! To do anything but love, seek justice, obey God, etc. is to introduce disorder into our minds, wills, and bodies. Disorder in the human soul is manifested in many and various ways, all of which are hideous to the ordered soul.
Who is the man that embraces disorder? He is the one that is confused, addicted, angry, materialistic, yet all the while convincing himself that he has found happiness and contentment. Of course, the conclusions of a disordered mind will almost always be disordered.
How must a disordered system be overcome? By introducing order into the system. When it comes to the human soul made in the image and likeness of Order, Order must be brought into the disordered soul. By an opening up of the soul to the influence of Order through the indwelling of Order can the human soul begin to banish from it the darkness of disorder. This opening up of the soul is called prayer, which is as natural to man as barking is to a dog, as flying is to a bird, as swimming is to a fish. Yet we are like dogs that do not know how to bark and fish that cannot swim. We are dominated by the world which was created to be dominated by us. How absolutely unnatural!
Prayer is our best bet for happiness as happiness can only be found in order. In fact, order is happiness. The purpose of prayer is to turn outside of ourselves, to empty the image in order to be filled with the reality. It is our nature to empty ourselves to both God and neighbor, that in emptying ourselves we may be filled. Fulfillment in emptiness! Yet another of those wonderful Christian paradoxes.
How can we know that our calling is to turn and open to others? If we were created to turn in on ourselves, then our eyes would be facing the opposite direction. We would be created to look inward. But according to nature that is not so. We look outward. It is in looking outward that we can empty ourselves just as the greatest Man, the God-man, did: “Who though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped; Rather, He emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave…”
Through prayer, we look outward to the Source of all order and happiness. Through prayer, we empty ourselves of our worldly accretions, placing ourselves under the direct influence of a Perfect Order. As Order begins to reign in our souls, so, too, does love, truth, joy, peace, and all other attributes of God.
We pray in order that the unnatural be overcome by the natural, that darkness might become light, and that disorder be crushed under the liberating weight of Order.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Prayer Request
I saw this on Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam and figured I should pass it on: Priest on Trial.
Keep him in your prayers you all go through the Easter celebrations.
Keep him in your prayers you all go through the Easter celebrations.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Screwtape #13: The Role of Pleasure
Thirteen is an unlucky number and this holds true for Wormwood. The patient who had been falling away from the faith has now recommitted and Screwtape is threatening Wormwood with great torments because of it.
How did this happen? Wormwood got lazy and let the patient read a book and take a walk. Nothing dramatic it would seem but as Screwtape says this is a very real deterent from hell.
In other words, those under the devil are under a disguise and falsehood. Similar to the Matrix or the cave, they will persist in their ways until shown another way. Real pleasure is that the other way, the red pill or the sun. These real pleasures strike down the façade and invite the patient to connect with reality. Reality, of course, is God. This might be a helpful tool in evangelizing. We might be well advised to help people who have fallen away from the Church connect with the real first. Show them a good movie, a pretty painting, or take a walk with them. As all pleasures are from God and God is in all things any genuine pleasure will do (note that genuine does mean in the bounds of morality). Of course, this means that C.S. Lewis is ascribing to the Ignatian ideal of God in all things. That is, Lewis is a closet Jesuit
Screwtape goes on to explain that pleasure succeeded in this way b/c created us to be in accordance with our natures (it seems Lewis is a closet Thomist as well). This creates a paradox between detaching from ourselves for His sake. He says,
What Screwtape is trying to convince Wormwood to do is to cause in the patient an error similar to that committed by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Hopkins, on becoming a Jesuit priest, tried to give up his poetry and writing for the sake of his order because he considered it beneath the dignity of the order. However, he soon returned to writing and because of that decision we have many inspiring poems that have helped people in the faith. If we do something well and enjoy it then we ought to pursue it. Whether it’s being among people, football, sports, music, dancing, or writing as it is in Hopkins’s case, we are given these gifts and desires in order to experience real pleasure in accordance with our nature and in order to taste of the cup from which we shall have our full of in eternal life.
How did this happen? Wormwood got lazy and let the patient read a book and take a walk. Nothing dramatic it would seem but as Screwtape says this is a very real deterent from hell.
“In other words you allowed him two real positive Pleasures. Were you so ignorant as not to see the danger of this? The characteristic of Pains and Pleasures is that they are unmistakably real, and therefore, as far as they go, give the man who feels them a touchstone of reality. Thus if you had been trying to damn your man by the Romantic method…you would try to protect him at all costs from any real pain; because, of course, five minutes’ genuine toothache would reveal the romantic sorrows for the nonsense they were and unmask your whole stratagem. But you were trying to damn your patient by the World, that is by palming off vanity, bustle, irony, and expensive tedium as pleasures. How can you have failed to see that a real pleasure was the last thing you ought to have let him meet?
In other words, those under the devil are under a disguise and falsehood. Similar to the Matrix or the cave, they will persist in their ways until shown another way. Real pleasure is that the other way, the red pill or the sun. These real pleasures strike down the façade and invite the patient to connect with reality. Reality, of course, is God. This might be a helpful tool in evangelizing. We might be well advised to help people who have fallen away from the Church connect with the real first. Show them a good movie, a pretty painting, or take a walk with them. As all pleasures are from God and God is in all things any genuine pleasure will do (note that genuine does mean in the bounds of morality). Of course, this means that C.S. Lewis is ascribing to the Ignatian ideal of God in all things. That is, Lewis is a closet Jesuit
Screwtape goes on to explain that pleasure succeeded in this way b/c created us to be in accordance with our natures (it seems Lewis is a closet Thomist as well). This creates a paradox between detaching from ourselves for His sake. He says,
“Hence, while He is delighted to see them sacrificing even their innocent Wills to His, He hates to them drifting away from their own nature for any other reason. And we should always encourage them to do so. The deepest likings and impulses of any man are the raw material, the starting point, with which the Enemy has furnished a point gained; even in things indifferent it is always desirable to substitute the standards of the world, or convention, or fashion, for a human’s own real likings and dislikings. I myself would carry this very far. I would make it a rule to eradicate from my patient any strong personal taste which is not actually a sin.”
What Screwtape is trying to convince Wormwood to do is to cause in the patient an error similar to that committed by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Hopkins, on becoming a Jesuit priest, tried to give up his poetry and writing for the sake of his order because he considered it beneath the dignity of the order. However, he soon returned to writing and because of that decision we have many inspiring poems that have helped people in the faith. If we do something well and enjoy it then we ought to pursue it. Whether it’s being among people, football, sports, music, dancing, or writing as it is in Hopkins’s case, we are given these gifts and desires in order to experience real pleasure in accordance with our nature and in order to taste of the cup from which we shall have our full of in eternal life.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Palm Sunday
Today is Palm Sunday. A day in which we begin Holy Week in preparation for the end of Lent, the meal of Holy Thursday, the great trials of Good Friday, and the tremendous joy of Easter.
That doesn't matter right now though. For this Palm Sunday is also April's Fools Day. So what would happen to the Parousians in a crazy world. A world in which up is down and down is up. I wonder...
That doesn't matter right now though. For this Palm Sunday is also April's Fools Day. So what would happen to the Parousians in a crazy world. A world in which up is down and down is up. I wonder...
Calls for Action
Philip DeMahy has lost his body. Philip, who often loses things like cell phones, keys, books, and small children, has misplaced his corporeal self.
Spiritual Philip, speaking to the Parousian Post, explained that he was trying to write a paper late at night when he went to type something only to discover that he had no hands with which to write. He has floated around asking people to help. However, as Philip explains, “most of my friends are really into philosophy. When I first told them, their first reaction was to figure out whether this fit into a Manichean Dualism conception of body and soul. They’re still talking about it. I told them I would go look up in MacIntrye what he said about it until I realized I couldn’t turn the pages of the book... and that I had lost the book.”
Philip however is keeping in good spirits. Or maybe just a good spirit. As he says, “It could have been worse. Usually with stuff I have they explode. I don’t think my body has exploded yet.”
So Philip needs your help in the search. Here’s a picture of Philip to remind you of what he looks like. Remember, he’s a baron and a member of the landed aristocracy, so finding his body will entitle you to a rich reward and a position. Note that Philip’s body may have found itself into a Catholic school girl skirt so do not be deceived!
Sadly, Philip is not the only Parousian is need of assistance. Michael Denton as we all know is an avid NASCAR fan. However, this obsession has led to some irregularities in our friend.
“I can only turn left now. I don’t believe in turning right; it’s unnatural. I can get wherever I want to go by traveling in a circle.” Perhaps this would be harmless in and of itself, but Michael has brought the techniques of NASCAR into every facet of transportation. He explains that “people started to tell me that I drove like a NASCAR driver. So I started thinking, ‘why don’t I do everything like a NASCAR driver?’ So I have.”
This has particularly shown itself as Michael walks around campus. When stuck behind slower pedestrians, usually Greeks, Michael has taken to “bump drafting” them. This technique, normally applied at plate races, requires the person behind to physically push the person further ahead. Michael explains, “well, I get behind them but they’re going slow. I figure, we gotta go for the win, baby! So I slam ‘em. Nothing too hard, just about the same power as Dale Jr. uses when he bump drafts. We usually get pretty far before they can’t take it and peel off, giving me the lead.”
Sometimes they don’t however, necessitating a move called “the bump and run” which apparently is nothing more than Michael pushing the person out of the way. “Sometimes they whine about it. So does Jeff Gordon. Don’t act like Jeff Gordon.”
Specialist Dr. Carl Joseph Giffin was asked about how to fix this. While hesitating to call Michael’s condition a “disease” he did say that NASCAR fixation was a critical thing driving Michael. As Dr. Giffin states, “a love of NASCAR is all pervasive. If not satisfied or interfered with by victories by worthless people like Kyle Busch, then higher dosages of NASCAR must be applied. That is, Michael should go see a NASCAR race and everyone around him should constantly discuss NASCAR so that he does not feel the need to evangelize about NASCAR to the campus community. I myself will volunteer to take Michael to a NASCAR event, but y’all have to do the rest.”
So we need you to keep Dr. Giffin and Michael in your prayers as they go to a NASCAR race in order to help with Michael’s condition. Meanwhile, we need everyone to become a NASCAR fan so that Michael can be constantly exposed to NASCAR. It’s the Christian thing to do.
Spiritual Philip, speaking to the Parousian Post, explained that he was trying to write a paper late at night when he went to type something only to discover that he had no hands with which to write. He has floated around asking people to help. However, as Philip explains, “most of my friends are really into philosophy. When I first told them, their first reaction was to figure out whether this fit into a Manichean Dualism conception of body and soul. They’re still talking about it. I told them I would go look up in MacIntrye what he said about it until I realized I couldn’t turn the pages of the book... and that I had lost the book.”
Philip however is keeping in good spirits. Or maybe just a good spirit. As he says, “It could have been worse. Usually with stuff I have they explode. I don’t think my body has exploded yet.”
So Philip needs your help in the search. Here’s a picture of Philip to remind you of what he looks like. Remember, he’s a baron and a member of the landed aristocracy, so finding his body will entitle you to a rich reward and a position. Note that Philip’s body may have found itself into a Catholic school girl skirt so do not be deceived!
Sadly, Philip is not the only Parousian is need of assistance. Michael Denton as we all know is an avid NASCAR fan. However, this obsession has led to some irregularities in our friend.
“I can only turn left now. I don’t believe in turning right; it’s unnatural. I can get wherever I want to go by traveling in a circle.” Perhaps this would be harmless in and of itself, but Michael has brought the techniques of NASCAR into every facet of transportation. He explains that “people started to tell me that I drove like a NASCAR driver. So I started thinking, ‘why don’t I do everything like a NASCAR driver?’ So I have.”
This has particularly shown itself as Michael walks around campus. When stuck behind slower pedestrians, usually Greeks, Michael has taken to “bump drafting” them. This technique, normally applied at plate races, requires the person behind to physically push the person further ahead. Michael explains, “well, I get behind them but they’re going slow. I figure, we gotta go for the win, baby! So I slam ‘em. Nothing too hard, just about the same power as Dale Jr. uses when he bump drafts. We usually get pretty far before they can’t take it and peel off, giving me the lead.”
Sometimes they don’t however, necessitating a move called “the bump and run” which apparently is nothing more than Michael pushing the person out of the way. “Sometimes they whine about it. So does Jeff Gordon. Don’t act like Jeff Gordon.”

So we need you to keep Dr. Giffin and Michael in your prayers as they go to a NASCAR race in order to help with Michael’s condition. Meanwhile, we need everyone to become a NASCAR fan so that Michael can be constantly exposed to NASCAR. It’s the Christian thing to do.
New Form of Liturgical Dance Created by Parousians
Parousians Ryan Hallford and Mary-Grace have shown many of us how to salsa and tango among other forms of sophisticated dance. Now they have taken those skills and applied them towards worship, creating a liturgical dance in the ballroom dancing style.
Asked how he was inspired, Ryan Hallford said, “Over the past year, Mary-Grace and I have really come to enjoy dancing. With our tremendous involvement in the faith, it was inevitable that these two passions should be become merged. However, the liturgical dances that were out there didn’t fit our style.” Here Mary-Grace chimed in, “They do more ballet styles. That would require Ryan to wear tights.” Ryan then explained that being seen in tights would jeopardize his standing as keeper of the Sacred Heart Rectory.
Ryan and Mary-Grace hope to display their new dance soon but gave the Parousian Post a sneak preview with some of their better moves. Among them the “Losing your head in Christ” move

And the “sinful split.”

When Ryan and Mary-Grace do put on a public performance, The Parousian Post will notify everyone.
Asked how he was inspired, Ryan Hallford said, “Over the past year, Mary-Grace and I have really come to enjoy dancing. With our tremendous involvement in the faith, it was inevitable that these two passions should be become merged. However, the liturgical dances that were out there didn’t fit our style.” Here Mary-Grace chimed in, “They do more ballet styles. That would require Ryan to wear tights.” Ryan then explained that being seen in tights would jeopardize his standing as keeper of the Sacred Heart Rectory.
Ryan and Mary-Grace hope to display their new dance soon but gave the Parousian Post a sneak preview with some of their better moves. Among them the “Losing your head in Christ” move
And the “sinful split.”
When Ryan and Mary-Grace do put on a public performance, The Parousian Post will notify everyone.
Parousians Make a Full Conversion to the Catholic Church
As you all know, conversion is a life long process. This means that we constantly find new ways to commit ourselves to Christ and find new ways in which we are hindered from fully knowing and following Christ. For the latter, these vestiges have to be taken off and the Parousians considers it a noble task to help its members in accomplishing that.
This is why I am proud to announce that Liz Johnson and Angela Miceli have done that by renouncing the ways of Satan. Specifically, they have renounced the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Bears respectively.
Explaining her decision, Ms. Johnson pointed to the scandals that have rocked the St. Louis ballhouse. “Well, we all know that Albert Pujols does steroids. No one can hit a Brad Lidge ball for a homer run in the NLCS without the use of extreme steroids. After he hit that home run, I began to feel uncomfortable about the Cardinals but I tried to hold faith in Tony LaRussa. Yet in the past few weeks, we’ve been reading Aquinas and the Cardinal Virtues. It occurred to me that the virtues Aquinas was describing was anything but ‘Cardinal,’ at least ‘St. Louis Cardinal.’ I tried to resist that thought, but when Tony LaRussa was caught in a state of drunkenness, I knew I had to reject them.”
Taking Aquinas’s advice that to see good find the opposite of evil, Liz journeyed across Major League Baseball until she found the rivals of the Cardinals, the Houston Astros. Ms. Johnson is very happy with her team, commenting on Roy Oswalt that “it’s so nice to have a pitcher who doesn’t look like a mole.”
Ms. Miceli had a different struggle. She has always been very dedicated to the lives of the saints, and so when the Bears in obvious violations of the rules defeated the Saints in January, she too was troubled. “I’ve always really liked the Saints and the Bears but I’ve never had to choose. When the two faced off in the playoffs, I went with my hometown team. But when I saw the way the fans really were and when I saw that my team, my team had given Rex Grossman a job at quarterback, I knew things were wrong. I’ve come to love Louisiana and so I decided to become a Saints fan. Since I did, it’s been fabulous! Reggie Bush and Drew Brees are awesome, and I really look fabulous in black and gold!”
We encourage you to approach either Ms. Miceli or Ms. Johnson and ask them to testify about the greatness of their new teams.
This is why I am proud to announce that Liz Johnson and Angela Miceli have done that by renouncing the ways of Satan. Specifically, they have renounced the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Bears respectively.

Taking Aquinas’s advice that to see good find the opposite of evil, Liz journeyed across Major League Baseball until she found the rivals of the Cardinals, the Houston Astros. Ms. Johnson is very happy with her team, commenting on Roy Oswalt that “it’s so nice to have a pitcher who doesn’t look like a mole.”

We encourage you to approach either Ms. Miceli or Ms. Johnson and ask them to testify about the greatness of their new teams.
Emily Byers to Run for President in 2008!
Disappointed by the lack of strong conservative candidates so far in the primary, our very own Emily Byers has decided to run for the White House in 2008.
On making her announcement, Ms. Byers declared, “The positions on policy are important to me but really I think it’s about time we had a woman president. The presidency, when examined closely, is really a job for women and only women.”
In the rest of her speech, Ms. Byers outlined the platform she will be taking. We all know that Ms. Byers is strongly pro-life and that will be a major part of her platform. However, Ms. Byers has also identified what she perceives as “weak” stances on immigration. She is proposing an electric fence across the entire border, a ban on new immigration, and English as the sole national language because Spanish “is pretty lame.”

Ms. Byers has already made waves in the presidential race by beating the other candidates in naming her running mate. She will be running with another Parousian, Kim Monteleone. When asked why she joined the ticket, Ms. Monteleone responded: “I like babies.” Ms. Monteleone and campaign manager Amanda Pendleton made their first campaign stop in front of the White House, where they prophesied a victory for Byers/Monteleone 2008 and showed the reporters at the scene the celebration that would occur next November.

We do however fear that this campaign could get dirty with this entry, as Ms. Pendleton has already formally accused Rudy Guiliani of being in the mafia.
On making her announcement, Ms. Byers declared, “The positions on policy are important to me but really I think it’s about time we had a woman president. The presidency, when examined closely, is really a job for women and only women.”
In the rest of her speech, Ms. Byers outlined the platform she will be taking. We all know that Ms. Byers is strongly pro-life and that will be a major part of her platform. However, Ms. Byers has also identified what she perceives as “weak” stances on immigration. She is proposing an electric fence across the entire border, a ban on new immigration, and English as the sole national language because Spanish “is pretty lame.”

Ms. Byers has already made waves in the presidential race by beating the other candidates in naming her running mate. She will be running with another Parousian, Kim Monteleone. When asked why she joined the ticket, Ms. Monteleone responded: “I like babies.” Ms. Monteleone and campaign manager Amanda Pendleton made their first campaign stop in front of the White House, where they prophesied a victory for Byers/Monteleone 2008 and showed the reporters at the scene the celebration that would occur next November.

We do however fear that this campaign could get dirty with this entry, as Ms. Pendleton has already formally accused Rudy Guiliani of being in the mafia.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Emily Byers on Violence Against Women
Emily on Desensitization of Violence in America's Next Top Model
I agree with Emily. This is a link to the photos & the judges comments:
Photo Gallery
I agree with Emily. This is a link to the photos & the judges comments:
Photo Gallery
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Passion Play Tonight At Christ the King
Tonight (Tuesday) at 7 PM and again tomorrow night (Wednesday) Christ the King will be hosting the Passion Play. Many Parousians will be acting in the play. Admission is free and a reception follows. So basically, there's every reason to come and none to miss! So come out and support your fellow Parousians and Christ the King.
Screwtape Letter #12: Willful Separation from God
The patient is in trouble. His new acquaintances and attitudes have slowly but surely eaten away at his newfound Christianity. He still goes to church, which is surely bad for Screwtape, right? Screwtape, while preferring not going to church, thinks this isn’t bad for the cause. He writes,
What’s happened to the patient then is very simple. He wasn’t watchful enough. Perhaps he was too concerned with the outward signs. The motions were the same and so he didn’t notice. As Mad-Eye Moody would say “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” We need to be constantly checking ourselves and making sure we don’t slip. Just because our Mass attendance is the same, just because we say the daily prayers and do everything else that we normally do in our spiritual lives doesn’t mean that our spiritual lives aren’t changing. The roller coaster is constantly moving and will drop if we’re not careful.
When we get to the place that something’s wrong but we’re not fully aware of it, Screwtape has a very easy job. We have a tendency to not want to know what’s wrong. Instead,
We never want to confront the full reality of sin. We don’t want to admit everyone is hurt by it and that we’re responsible. We certainly don’t want to admit that we’ve sinned against God. Yet that is what we have to admit if we are going to be cured. This is precisely why in the sacrament of Reconciliation we have to go to a priest. When we go face to face with another person, there is no doubt that the community is involved. We can’t just wish it away with “unreal prayers.” Instead, we have to say “Forgive me for I have sinned” and then say in the act of contrition “I have offended you my God.” This confrontation is necessary so that we fully die to our sinful selves. With this death, we can live again.
The other option is not very comforting:
We need to keep our eyes on the road to make sure we’re not traveling down Screwtape’s road to hell.
“he can still be made to think of himself as one who has adopted a few new friends and amusements but whose spiritual state is much the same as it was six weeks ago. And while he thinks that, we do not have to contend with the explicit repentance of a definite fully, recognized, sin, but only with his vague, though uneasy feeling that he hasn’t been doing very lately.”
What’s happened to the patient then is very simple. He wasn’t watchful enough. Perhaps he was too concerned with the outward signs. The motions were the same and so he didn’t notice. As Mad-Eye Moody would say “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” We need to be constantly checking ourselves and making sure we don’t slip. Just because our Mass attendance is the same, just because we say the daily prayers and do everything else that we normally do in our spiritual lives doesn’t mean that our spiritual lives aren’t changing. The roller coaster is constantly moving and will drop if we’re not careful.
When we get to the place that something’s wrong but we’re not fully aware of it, Screwtape has a very easy job. We have a tendency to not want to know what’s wrong. Instead,
“…you will find him opening his arms to you and almost begging you to distract his purpose and benumb his heart. He will want his prayers to be unreal, for he will dread nothing so much as effective contact with the Enemy. His aim will be to let sleeping worms lie.”
We never want to confront the full reality of sin. We don’t want to admit everyone is hurt by it and that we’re responsible. We certainly don’t want to admit that we’ve sinned against God. Yet that is what we have to admit if we are going to be cured. This is precisely why in the sacrament of Reconciliation we have to go to a priest. When we go face to face with another person, there is no doubt that the community is involved. We can’t just wish it away with “unreal prayers.” Instead, we have to say “Forgive me for I have sinned” and then say in the act of contrition “I have offended you my God.” This confrontation is necessary so that we fully die to our sinful selves. With this death, we can live again.
The other option is not very comforting:
“(In the patient’s attempts to avoid his guilt) You can make him do nothing at all for long periods. You can keep him up late at night, not roistering, but staring at a dead fire in a cold room. All the healthy and outgoing activities we want him to avoid can be inhibited and nothing given in return…The Christians describe the Enemy as ‘one without whom Nothing is strong.’ And Nothing is very strong: strong enough to steal away a man’s best years not in sweet sins but in a dreary flickering of the mind over it knows not what and knows not why…the only thing that matters is the extent to which you separate the man from the Enemy. It does not matter how small the sins are provided that their cumulative effect is to edge the man away from the Light and into the Nothing. Murder is no better than cards if cards can do the trick. Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one-the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”
We need to keep our eyes on the road to make sure we’re not traveling down Screwtape’s road to hell.
Monday, March 26, 2007
#11 Screwtape Letter: Humor
It turns out that the couple the patient befriended in letter #10 enjoys laughter and Wormwood is curious as to how to utilize this to ensnare the patient. Screwtape explains to Wormwood that there are different causes of human laughter, and only some of them are really beneficial to their cause.
So Joy is of little use. Fun too is difficult to utilize other than as diversion from more important things, Screwtape tells Wormwood. The third and fourth however are more promising. The Joke Proper is defined by Screwtape as a joke “which turns on sudden perception of incongruity.” The main area that Screwtape goes for with this type of comedy is the bawdy joke. Lewis argues that only if the joke incites the listener to lust and not only to humor is the joke helpful to Screwtape. This is an area which I think Lewis is skating too fine a line if he’s not plain wrong. Sexuality is of a nature that is so sacred and so private that I think it’s very difficult to imagine a situation in which jesting about sex does not in some way diminish the importance of the act itself. This diminishing can hurt our ability to respect and utilize it for the ends that God intended it (namely an expression of love). So while I’ll agree with Lewis that a joke about sex is far more serious if it incites lust, all sexual jokes run the risk of doing damage regardless of the feelings they incur.
Before discussing Flippancy, Lewis chooses to digress to talk about a dangerous aspect of humor. That is, its ability to justify the unjustifiable. Screwtape explains:
It is important for us to recognize that harm done in jest is still harm and as such should be avoided. This part however has the extra danger of convincing ourselves that we are in fact doing no wrong. Being sinful and being unaware of its consequences is a two-edged sword with which we ought not to play.
Finally, Screwtape discusses Flippancy. The danger in Flippancy is quite simply an inability to take seriously what we need to take seriously. Flippancy promotes an idea that there is nothing grave and this is problematic when trying to deal with weighty matters of the soul. In these cases we need to be serious and to accept the horrifyingly real consequences of the decisions we make. If everything is a joke, if the demons are funny little men with pitchforks and the angels little women with shiny circles floating above our head, then how are we supposed to quiet ourselves to listen to good and to make firm difficult decisions, particularly about sacrificing ourselves. As Screwtape says, “If prolonged, the habit of Flippancy builds up around a man the finest armour-plating against the Enemy that I know, and it is quite free from the dangers inherent in other sources of laughter.”
So laugh. Laughter is good. But be careful about what you’re laughing about so that when the time to laugh passes you can cease laughing and start listening.
‘I divide the causes into human laugher into Joy, Fun, the Joke Proper, and Flippancy. You will see the first among friends and lover reunited on the eve of a holiday. Among adults some pretext in the way of jokes is usually provided, but hr facility with which the smallest witticisms produce laughter at such a time shows that they are not the real cause…the phenomenon is of itself disgusting and a direct insult to the realism, dignity, and austerity of Hell.”
So Joy is of little use. Fun too is difficult to utilize other than as diversion from more important things, Screwtape tells Wormwood. The third and fourth however are more promising. The Joke Proper is defined by Screwtape as a joke “which turns on sudden perception of incongruity.” The main area that Screwtape goes for with this type of comedy is the bawdy joke. Lewis argues that only if the joke incites the listener to lust and not only to humor is the joke helpful to Screwtape. This is an area which I think Lewis is skating too fine a line if he’s not plain wrong. Sexuality is of a nature that is so sacred and so private that I think it’s very difficult to imagine a situation in which jesting about sex does not in some way diminish the importance of the act itself. This diminishing can hurt our ability to respect and utilize it for the ends that God intended it (namely an expression of love). So while I’ll agree with Lewis that a joke about sex is far more serious if it incites lust, all sexual jokes run the risk of doing damage regardless of the feelings they incur.
Before discussing Flippancy, Lewis chooses to digress to talk about a dangerous aspect of humor. That is, its ability to justify the unjustifiable. Screwtape explains:
“(Humor) is an invaluable as a means of destroying shame. If a man simply lets others pay for him, he is ‘mean’; if he boasts of it in a jocular manner and twits his fellows with having been scored off, he is no longer ‘mean’ but a comical fellow…Cruelty is shameful-unless the cruel man can represent it as a practical joke. A thousand bawdy, or even blasphemous, jokes do not help towards a man’s damnation so much as his discovery that almost anything he wants to do can be done, not only without the disapproval but with the admiration of his fellows, if only it can get itself treated as a joke.”
It is important for us to recognize that harm done in jest is still harm and as such should be avoided. This part however has the extra danger of convincing ourselves that we are in fact doing no wrong. Being sinful and being unaware of its consequences is a two-edged sword with which we ought not to play.
Finally, Screwtape discusses Flippancy. The danger in Flippancy is quite simply an inability to take seriously what we need to take seriously. Flippancy promotes an idea that there is nothing grave and this is problematic when trying to deal with weighty matters of the soul. In these cases we need to be serious and to accept the horrifyingly real consequences of the decisions we make. If everything is a joke, if the demons are funny little men with pitchforks and the angels little women with shiny circles floating above our head, then how are we supposed to quiet ourselves to listen to good and to make firm difficult decisions, particularly about sacrificing ourselves. As Screwtape says, “If prolonged, the habit of Flippancy builds up around a man the finest armour-plating against the Enemy that I know, and it is quite free from the dangers inherent in other sources of laughter.”
So laugh. Laughter is good. But be careful about what you’re laughing about so that when the time to laugh passes you can cease laughing and start listening.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Screwtape #10: The Company We Keep
First of all, sorry for the delay between these. It’s been a busy few weeks, and even now I’m squeezing time to crank this one. Still, I hope to make these regular again.
Recall that Screwtape and Wormwood have the patient in a dry spell in his faith. In this letter, the two discuss a new set of friends that patient has made. This delights the devils, as the pair is
This sound familiar? Is this not the type of people we are surrounded by at the university? Replace “communism” with “postmodernism” and it’s a nearly perfect fit for many we meet and interact it with. So as university students, if the people we associate most with make dangerous friends, we need to be on watch. But for what? Are we not supposed to engage these people in the New Evangelization? Yes, but we have to be very careful. In order to make friends we have to be “nice” and “nice” can mean sacrificing part of our responsibility as Catholics.
That is, if in engaging these people we do not hold a firm grasp on our Catholicism and are not careful for the slips through which the presumptions of the devil can sneak into, we can easily be swept away by the tide. We have to recognize that even though all new friends are pleasures, they can also be temptations.
In these type of friendships there is also a danger of pride arising. Lewis explains:
That is, in dealing with several different groups of people we are tempted to think that our associations with others make us better than everyone else. This can even be true within different Catholic groups; going to the orthodox church while the liturgical dance class could be an example. The important thing is trust first of all in Jesus for our faith and to watch as our beliefs shift with the tide to make sure they’re shifting closer to Christ. Second, it’s to remain humble despite the many people we have the privilege of knowing and becoming friends with. Then we’ll frustrate Screwtape.
Recall that Screwtape and Wormwood have the patient in a dry spell in his faith. In this letter, the two discuss a new set of friends that patient has made. This delights the devils, as the pair is
“just the sort of people we want him to know-rich, smart, superficially intellectual, and brightly skeptical about everything in the world. I gather they are even vaguely pacifist, not on moral grounds but from an ingrained habit of belittling anything that concerns the great mass of their fellow men and from a dash of purely fashionable and literary communism.”
This sound familiar? Is this not the type of people we are surrounded by at the university? Replace “communism” with “postmodernism” and it’s a nearly perfect fit for many we meet and interact it with. So as university students, if the people we associate most with make dangerous friends, we need to be on watch. But for what? Are we not supposed to engage these people in the New Evangelization? Yes, but we have to be very careful. In order to make friends we have to be “nice” and “nice” can mean sacrificing part of our responsibility as Catholics.
“He will be silent when he ought to speak and laugh when he ought to be silent. He will assume, at first only by his manner, but presently by his words, all sorts of cynical and skeptical attitudes which are not really his. But if you play him well, they may become his. All mortals tend to turn into the thing they are pretending to be.”
That is, if in engaging these people we do not hold a firm grasp on our Catholicism and are not careful for the slips through which the presumptions of the devil can sneak into, we can easily be swept away by the tide. We have to recognize that even though all new friends are pleasures, they can also be temptations.
In these type of friendships there is also a danger of pride arising. Lewis explains:
“He can be made to take a positive pleasure in the perception that the two sides of his life are inconsistent. This is done by exploiting his vanity. He can be taught to enjoy kneeling beside the grocer on Sunday just because he remembers that the grocer could not possibly understand the urbane and mocking world which he inhabited Saturday evening; and contrariwise, to enjoy the bawdy and blasphemy over coffee with these admirable friends all the more because he is aware of a ‘deeper,’ ‘spiritual’ world within him which they cannot understand.”
That is, in dealing with several different groups of people we are tempted to think that our associations with others make us better than everyone else. This can even be true within different Catholic groups; going to the orthodox church while the liturgical dance class could be an example. The important thing is trust first of all in Jesus for our faith and to watch as our beliefs shift with the tide to make sure they’re shifting closer to Christ. Second, it’s to remain humble despite the many people we have the privilege of knowing and becoming friends with. Then we’ll frustrate Screwtape.
Friday, March 23, 2007
LSU Politics and Religion Conference
The Political Science graduate students of LSU are hosting a conference tomorrow, March 24, on "Politics and Religion: Tolerance and Conflict in Society." It will be from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM in the Vieux Carre Room of the Student Union. It would be great to have some Parousian support! Free lunch provided!!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Abstinence Group at Harvard
Michael on the Harvard Abstience Group
This is something I posted on on my blog; I figured y'all would like it too.
This is something I posted on on my blog; I figured y'all would like it too.
The Abortion Battle in Mexico
New law to legalize abortion in all cases being pushed in Mexico City.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
And in This Cornerrrrr, God's Rottweiler!
Don King Visits Vatican; Gives Gifts to Benedict XVI
I think if King wanted to sign B-16, it would make for an awesome fight. B-16 versus Richard Dawkins in the theological fight of the Ceeeeennnntuuurrry. Of course, B-16 would be advised to watch some Rocky before the fight, but I still think he could take on anybody.
I think if King wanted to sign B-16, it would make for an awesome fight. B-16 versus Richard Dawkins in the theological fight of the Ceeeeennnntuuurrry. Of course, B-16 would be advised to watch some Rocky before the fight, but I still think he could take on anybody.
Monday, March 19, 2007
A Reflection on St. Joseph Courtesy of Fulton Sheen
St. Joseph has become one of my favorite saints over the past year. I've spent a lot of time contemplating the decision he made to become the stepfather of Christ and the amount of faith and sacrifice in that decision. I probably wouldn't have started this if it was not for an entry about St. Joseph in Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's The World's First Love:
You know, while typing this and the part about Joseph being young and strong the image of JPII came to my mind. I think that image helps confirm Sheen's belief in the young Joseph as being more appropriate for our conception of St. Joseph.
But when one searches for the reasons why Christian art should have pictured Joseph as aged, we discover that it was in order to better safeguard the virginity of Mary. Somehow, the assumption had crept in that senility was a better protector of virginity than adolescence. Art thus unconcsciously made Joseph a spouse chaste and pure by age rather than virtue...To make Joseph appear pure only because his flesh had aged is like glorifying a mountain stream that has dried. The Church will not a ordain a man to the priesthood who has not his vital powers. She wants men who have something to tame, rather than those who are tame because they have no energy to be wild. It should be no different with God.
...Joseph was probably a young man, strong, virile, atheletic, handsome, chaste, and disciplined; the kind of man one sees sometimes shepherding sheep, or piloting a plane, or working at a carpenter's bench. Instead of being a man incapable of love, he must have been on fire with love....Instead, then, of being dried fruit to be served on the table of the king, he was rather a blossom filled with promise and power. He was not in the evening of life, but in its morning, bubbling over with energy, strength, and controlled passion.
You know, while typing this and the part about Joseph being young and strong the image of JPII came to my mind. I think that image helps confirm Sheen's belief in the young Joseph as being more appropriate for our conception of St. Joseph.
Happy St. Joseph's Day!
Shameless Self-Promotion
For the Greater Glory
I've just launched a blog of my own! (groans from the audience). Some stuff on it is serious, most of it is just fun. Granted, my idea of fun is NASCAR, so you may need to be careful. I talk about everything, but politics has been a big focus of the blog so far as it hasn't been on my postings here. So look at it and tell me what you think (I know the color scheme is a little odd; I'm working on it).
I've just launched a blog of my own! (groans from the audience). Some stuff on it is serious, most of it is just fun. Granted, my idea of fun is NASCAR, so you may need to be careful. I talk about everything, but politics has been a big focus of the blog so far as it hasn't been on my postings here. So look at it and tell me what you think (I know the color scheme is a little odd; I'm working on it).
Friday, March 16, 2007
Latest Word from the Vatican on the Eucharist
The Vatican just came out with a new document on the Eucharist, Sacramentum Caritatis. The statement came out after the Synod of Bishops on March 13. Looks wonderful!
Feast of Annuciation to be hijacked for the cause of ordaining women priests
14th Annual dissident fest
I really like the two suggested encyclicals at the end of this piece that the Curt Jester puts up.
I really like the two suggested encyclicals at the end of this piece that the Curt Jester puts up.
Chilling Tale of Planned Parenthood
Why is You Crying? You Ain't Pregnant!
This from Dawn Eden's blog. Thanks to Curt Jester for the story.
This from Dawn Eden's blog. Thanks to Curt Jester for the story.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Rebuttal to Emily Byers's Column on Why Women Can't Be President
In discussing the fallout from Emily’s column, one person told me that I didn’t fully understand the commotion because I was a man. Because I’m not a woman, I didn’t comprehend how personal the column was. However, I do have some claim to be personally touched and so I must continue, but I will explain this claim.
I grew up in a single-parent household. My mother raised me from when I was 4 and a half and my sister from when she was 1. My mother is a very strong woman. She managed to raise two incredibly young children by herself. If being suddenly widowed with two small children is not a crisis, then I don’t know what is.
So when Emily wrote in her column about how women couldn’t handle crises, the image of my mother came to my mind. Perhaps this isn’t as personal as an attack on one’s own sexuality, but the bond between mother and son is one of the strongest known to mankind. So in a sense, the column was personal to me too. I wasn’t very angry about it as I certainly don’t think that Emily meant to slight my mother. Also, I wasn’t too upset as I can see the value in much of Emily’s argument and I see much we agree upon. It is mainly in her conclusion stated in the headline that we disagree.
My position is that Emily in her column took the application too far. While men may naturally make better leaders than women, to say that it is impossible for a woman to lead is to take it too far.
I’m a big fan of the popular writers like Lewis and Sheen, so I’m going to make an analogy to try to demonstrate the principle I’m working off of. Let’s take the example of a single parent family. We would all agree (and I especially) that having a mother and a father is an optimal situation in which to raise children as it demonstrates both sexes so that the children learn justice tempered with mercy and learn how to properly relate to members of both sexes from a young age. However, if one of the parents died, the survivor faces a difficult situation. If God does not call them to remarry, then they have to raise their children in a less than optimal state.
Does this mean that a person cannot raise a child in a single parent family? Would the survivor be forced to marry again quickly? If the survivor doesn’t remarry, should the children be taken from the parent and moved into a family in which there are two spouses? While we agree that a mother and father are best, looking from those choices we would say that no, the parent is not obligated to remarry and can raise the children on his or her own.
This demonstrates that optimal situations are not necessary situations. While having two parents is best, it is not required (let me make sure I clarify here that single parenting is different from gay parenting, which skews the traits of the sexes in the children). In the same way, while men may make better leaders than women, it is not necessary that men always rule.
Why then does Emily believe that women are incapable of the presidency? The crux of her argument is that women would be less able to lead in a crisis because they are too emotional. She points to the example of Gov. Blanco. First, I think she makes an assumption here, namely that being logical and just in a crisis is always the best way to handle a crisis. While this might be true in most cases, it is not true in all. In Katrina for example both care and logic were required: Logic to restore the traditionally male notion of order to the city of New Orleans and care and compassion to deal with the evacuees. A logician dealing with evacuees might turn them away, rightfully arguing that the evacuees cause an inconvenience at best and severe problems at worst. Considering what’s happened in Houston since the storm, we really couldn’t blame them for keeping the gyms locked up. So we can see that a sense of compassion is necessary for leaders in some situations.
My second response to this is based off of a quote by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in World’s First Love:
While standing at the Cross might be a different thing from leading a country, I think at least we can see the point. If one believes Sheen’s argument, then women might actually be better than men in handling crises. Now, this argument can be critiqued on the basis of the actions of John the Beloved, but still the implication that more women succeeded than men in the crisis of Calvary is very significant to the discussion. So while Blanco might have failed, Mary did not. I would take Mary to be the more substantial indicator of the potential of femininity.
It also worth noting that Mary did not lose any of her feminine dignity in handling the crisis, which brings us to the next point of the article: that women, in order to be good leaders, would have to emasculate themselves. Emily is concerned that women would have to build up such emotional detachment, among other things, that they would cease to be a good example of a woman. In other words, Emily sees that a woman would have to sacrifice part of her emotional attachment and she doesn’t want to see this sacrifice happen. I agree with Emily that a tremendous amount of emotional detachment is inherent to the job but she fails to consider the opposite side. That is, is the amount of detachment good for men either? It would be less drastic for men than for women, for sure, but making the decision to either drop the atom bombs and destroy two cities of citizens or send about a million soldiers for whom you are responsible is hardly one in which any emotional attachment is called for. In either one of those choices enormous amounts of people die. You can say that “well, you did the right thing” all you want, but the emotional toll on anybody, man or woman, is incredible and probably unhealthy. This is why states are favored to be small, so that such enormous responsibility is not one head, but that’s besides the point. The point is while Emily says the detachment necessary is bad for women, it’s bad for men too. Anybody seeking the job is going to have to make that sacrifice. With that in mind, it seems odd to say that men can sacrifice it while women can’t.
Emily goes on to say that women shouldn’t feel like they have to be president. I agree. We shouldn’t be aiming at the best woman for the job, just as we shouldn’t be looking for the best Catholic, African-American, Hispanic, etc for the job. We should be looking for the best person for the job. This is why I think Emily’s position can be a bit dangerous. If we were presented with a choice between candidates in which the woman is the superior candidate, then we should choose the woman. If for instance, we had a pro-life woman running for president named, oh I don’t know, Emily Byers. Emily is running against a pro-choice man. Or maybe a utilitarian man, or a fascist man, whatever your scariest position is, this man has it and is running against Emily. I would argue in this case one not only is allowed to vote for the woman, but is in fact obligated to vote for the woman. Emily’s column seems to suggest otherwise in that the man is always going to be the best candidate in a matchup with a woman. I think even Emily would be in favor of voting for a pro-life woman over a pro-choice man, so I think her argument falls apart (I would especially hope that Emily would vote for herself).
The only argument I see working for Emily is one that she spends too little time on. That is, the argument of foreign standing. Emily is right in writing that many foreign countries look down on women and so it would be more difficult for a woman to be as accepted, if she ever could be, in dealing with those nations. As much of the United States’ diplomatic need is in countries in the Middle East, this would seem to be especially problematic. Condolezza Rice and St. Joan of Arc can be brought up as counter-examples to this argument, but even then they were both seen not as primary leaders but representatives of male leaders (Bush in Rice’s case and the King of France in Joan’s). However, note that this argument is very different from the one Emily makes in the rest of her column and in her thesis. Namely, Emily is trying to argue that women are inherently worse candidates. The argument of foreign standing does not make a judgment on the intrinsic capacity of women but rather the state of affairs in the world. The argument of foreign standing would be equally applicable in a world in which Planned Parenthood has taken over and now men (and babies) form the lower and disrespected group.
In summation, it might be optimal for men to be presidents. However, in a time of need women could certainly answer the call. So I’m afraid I must respectfully dissent from Emily’s column.
I grew up in a single-parent household. My mother raised me from when I was 4 and a half and my sister from when she was 1. My mother is a very strong woman. She managed to raise two incredibly young children by herself. If being suddenly widowed with two small children is not a crisis, then I don’t know what is.
So when Emily wrote in her column about how women couldn’t handle crises, the image of my mother came to my mind. Perhaps this isn’t as personal as an attack on one’s own sexuality, but the bond between mother and son is one of the strongest known to mankind. So in a sense, the column was personal to me too. I wasn’t very angry about it as I certainly don’t think that Emily meant to slight my mother. Also, I wasn’t too upset as I can see the value in much of Emily’s argument and I see much we agree upon. It is mainly in her conclusion stated in the headline that we disagree.
My position is that Emily in her column took the application too far. While men may naturally make better leaders than women, to say that it is impossible for a woman to lead is to take it too far.
I’m a big fan of the popular writers like Lewis and Sheen, so I’m going to make an analogy to try to demonstrate the principle I’m working off of. Let’s take the example of a single parent family. We would all agree (and I especially) that having a mother and a father is an optimal situation in which to raise children as it demonstrates both sexes so that the children learn justice tempered with mercy and learn how to properly relate to members of both sexes from a young age. However, if one of the parents died, the survivor faces a difficult situation. If God does not call them to remarry, then they have to raise their children in a less than optimal state.
Does this mean that a person cannot raise a child in a single parent family? Would the survivor be forced to marry again quickly? If the survivor doesn’t remarry, should the children be taken from the parent and moved into a family in which there are two spouses? While we agree that a mother and father are best, looking from those choices we would say that no, the parent is not obligated to remarry and can raise the children on his or her own.
This demonstrates that optimal situations are not necessary situations. While having two parents is best, it is not required (let me make sure I clarify here that single parenting is different from gay parenting, which skews the traits of the sexes in the children). In the same way, while men may make better leaders than women, it is not necessary that men always rule.
Why then does Emily believe that women are incapable of the presidency? The crux of her argument is that women would be less able to lead in a crisis because they are too emotional. She points to the example of Gov. Blanco. First, I think she makes an assumption here, namely that being logical and just in a crisis is always the best way to handle a crisis. While this might be true in most cases, it is not true in all. In Katrina for example both care and logic were required: Logic to restore the traditionally male notion of order to the city of New Orleans and care and compassion to deal with the evacuees. A logician dealing with evacuees might turn them away, rightfully arguing that the evacuees cause an inconvenience at best and severe problems at worst. Considering what’s happened in Houston since the storm, we really couldn’t blame them for keeping the gyms locked up. So we can see that a sense of compassion is necessary for leaders in some situations.
My second response to this is based off of a quote by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in World’s First Love:
Which stands up better in a crisis: man or woman? One can discuss this in a series of historical crises, but without arriving at any decision. The best way to arrive at a conclusion is to go to the greatest crisis the world ever faced, namely, the Crucifixion of Our Divine Lord. When we come to this great drama of Calvary, there is one fact that stands out very clearly: men failed...In contrast, there is not a single instance of a woman's failing Jesus. At the trial, the only voice that is raised in His defense is the voice of a woman....This is the greatest crisis this earth ever staged, and women did not fail. May not this be the key to the crisis of our hour? Men have been ruling the world, and the world is lapsing.
While standing at the Cross might be a different thing from leading a country, I think at least we can see the point. If one believes Sheen’s argument, then women might actually be better than men in handling crises. Now, this argument can be critiqued on the basis of the actions of John the Beloved, but still the implication that more women succeeded than men in the crisis of Calvary is very significant to the discussion. So while Blanco might have failed, Mary did not. I would take Mary to be the more substantial indicator of the potential of femininity.
It also worth noting that Mary did not lose any of her feminine dignity in handling the crisis, which brings us to the next point of the article: that women, in order to be good leaders, would have to emasculate themselves. Emily is concerned that women would have to build up such emotional detachment, among other things, that they would cease to be a good example of a woman. In other words, Emily sees that a woman would have to sacrifice part of her emotional attachment and she doesn’t want to see this sacrifice happen. I agree with Emily that a tremendous amount of emotional detachment is inherent to the job but she fails to consider the opposite side. That is, is the amount of detachment good for men either? It would be less drastic for men than for women, for sure, but making the decision to either drop the atom bombs and destroy two cities of citizens or send about a million soldiers for whom you are responsible is hardly one in which any emotional attachment is called for. In either one of those choices enormous amounts of people die. You can say that “well, you did the right thing” all you want, but the emotional toll on anybody, man or woman, is incredible and probably unhealthy. This is why states are favored to be small, so that such enormous responsibility is not one head, but that’s besides the point. The point is while Emily says the detachment necessary is bad for women, it’s bad for men too. Anybody seeking the job is going to have to make that sacrifice. With that in mind, it seems odd to say that men can sacrifice it while women can’t.
Emily goes on to say that women shouldn’t feel like they have to be president. I agree. We shouldn’t be aiming at the best woman for the job, just as we shouldn’t be looking for the best Catholic, African-American, Hispanic, etc for the job. We should be looking for the best person for the job. This is why I think Emily’s position can be a bit dangerous. If we were presented with a choice between candidates in which the woman is the superior candidate, then we should choose the woman. If for instance, we had a pro-life woman running for president named, oh I don’t know, Emily Byers. Emily is running against a pro-choice man. Or maybe a utilitarian man, or a fascist man, whatever your scariest position is, this man has it and is running against Emily. I would argue in this case one not only is allowed to vote for the woman, but is in fact obligated to vote for the woman. Emily’s column seems to suggest otherwise in that the man is always going to be the best candidate in a matchup with a woman. I think even Emily would be in favor of voting for a pro-life woman over a pro-choice man, so I think her argument falls apart (I would especially hope that Emily would vote for herself).
The only argument I see working for Emily is one that she spends too little time on. That is, the argument of foreign standing. Emily is right in writing that many foreign countries look down on women and so it would be more difficult for a woman to be as accepted, if she ever could be, in dealing with those nations. As much of the United States’ diplomatic need is in countries in the Middle East, this would seem to be especially problematic. Condolezza Rice and St. Joan of Arc can be brought up as counter-examples to this argument, but even then they were both seen not as primary leaders but representatives of male leaders (Bush in Rice’s case and the King of France in Joan’s). However, note that this argument is very different from the one Emily makes in the rest of her column and in her thesis. Namely, Emily is trying to argue that women are inherently worse candidates. The argument of foreign standing does not make a judgment on the intrinsic capacity of women but rather the state of affairs in the world. The argument of foreign standing would be equally applicable in a world in which Planned Parenthood has taken over and now men (and babies) form the lower and disrespected group.
In summation, it might be optimal for men to be presidents. However, in a time of need women could certainly answer the call. So I’m afraid I must respectfully dissent from Emily’s column.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I Might Actually Watch TV If These Things Were On
List of Potential Shows for New Vatican TV-Courtesy of the Curt Jester
He Shall Not Go Quietly Into the Night
Cartoon of Fr. Euteneur
Fr. Euteneur was the priest that Sean Hannity blasted. What hasn't been posted on this blog yet is that a priest who worked for Fox News, a Fr. Johnathan Morris, replied calling Fr. Euteneur out of line. Fairly absurd if you've seen the video. Anyway, Fr. Euteneur did not hesitate to reply. I think this is a particularly intriguing discussion as it has implications on my post about proper dissension between Catholics. Fr. Euteneur's response can be found here: The letter to Fr. Morris It has trouble loading, so it give it some time. As for Fr. Morris's original letter, it can be seen here: Fr. Morris's Open Letter to Sean Hannity
In case you haven't seen the video, that can be seen here: Hannity bullies clergyman
P.S. Thanks to Catholic Cartoon Blog for the scoop!
Fr. Euteneur was the priest that Sean Hannity blasted. What hasn't been posted on this blog yet is that a priest who worked for Fox News, a Fr. Johnathan Morris, replied calling Fr. Euteneur out of line. Fairly absurd if you've seen the video. Anyway, Fr. Euteneur did not hesitate to reply. I think this is a particularly intriguing discussion as it has implications on my post about proper dissension between Catholics. Fr. Euteneur's response can be found here: The letter to Fr. Morris It has trouble loading, so it give it some time. As for Fr. Morris's original letter, it can be seen here: Fr. Morris's Open Letter to Sean Hannity
In case you haven't seen the video, that can be seen here: Hannity bullies clergyman
P.S. Thanks to Catholic Cartoon Blog for the scoop!
LSU Welcomes Dr. Daniel J. Mahoney
LSU welcomes guest speaker Dr. Daniel J. Mahoney of Assumption College on this Thursday March 15. Dr. Mahoney will be lecturing in the Hill Memorial Library at 3:00 PM on "Politics and the Human Soul: The Continuing Relevance of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn." Solzhenitsyn spent many years in the Russian Gulag and converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity as a result of his experience. The lecture will be very dynamic! I encourage and welcome all of you to come!
Monday, March 12, 2007
No laptop for you!
Via Paul Cat, everyone is to shut off his computer for 24 hours on March 24 in honor of my birthday and the martyrdom of Archbishop Oscar Romero.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
A Priest Stands Up to Sean Hannity
Page with a Link to Video of Sean Hannity vs. Priest
I used to like Sean Hannity during the 2004 election. But now he goes after a priest on the issue of birth control and the sex scandal? Look at the video which for the moment is up at the right hand side of the screen (I couldn't link at it directly). It's disturbing. Big props to the priest; I think I'm done watching Hannity. For everyone concerned about the priest, his website is: Human Life International. And this is an article that the priest, Father Thomas J. Euteneuer (what is it with awesome priests and "J" as their middle intial? ) wrote on the subject.
If you'd like to email Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, his email is If you'd like to email Sean Hannity, you might go to the website for his show, which is right here. That's enough links for now, lol. Enjoy.
UPDATE: This is a more permanent link to the video in question
I used to like Sean Hannity during the 2004 election. But now he goes after a priest on the issue of birth control and the sex scandal? Look at the video which for the moment is up at the right hand side of the screen (I couldn't link at it directly). It's disturbing. Big props to the priest; I think I'm done watching Hannity. For everyone concerned about the priest, his website is: Human Life International. And this is an article that the priest, Father Thomas J. Euteneuer (what is it with awesome priests and "J" as their middle intial? ) wrote on the subject.
If you'd like to email Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, his email is If you'd like to email Sean Hannity, you might go to the website for his show, which is right here. That's enough links for now, lol. Enjoy.
UPDATE: This is a more permanent link to the video in question
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