Thursday, October 19, 2006

Of Course They Don't Go There: Planned Parenthood's Vox Responds to Emily Byers

"Sex is no longer sacred. Tragically, many of us are stunned to hear anyone claim it ever was.

Thankfully an alternate view exists, one which holds that our sexual nature speaks staggering truths about who we are, about the human capacity for relationship, intimacy and participation in the creation of new life.

That's heavy stuff. No wonder Planned Parenthood and its pro-choice confederates are afraid to go there."

And Parousian Emily Byers was right, but the Vox officers felt compelled to speak out anyway.

Columnist was wrong about PPFA

1 comment:

Paul Cat said...

Silly VOX people. I wonder if they have even read a copy of the Birth Control Review... Besides PPFA hasn't really strayed that far from their origins. Where do they advertise most? In the places where the socioeconomic class/status is very low. Apparently people who have more money (suburban America) are more fit to be parents, while those who have not are less fit to be parents.

The problem is not living wages, but family wages. If employers would only pay family wages and not just living wages (or sadly even less than living wages) much of this mess might start to be resolved.