Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Maclin Horton Cites the Parousians

Rod Dreher describes Maclin Horton as "a Catholic convert who went from 1960s counterculturalist to faithful orthodox Catholic without ever losing his sense that something was seriously wrong with mainstream American society." Horton has two blogs, and they both recognize the Parousians today. Light on Dark Water deals with faith, literature, and music, while Caelum et Terra (a project with Daniel Nichols, the founder of the magazine of the same name) deals with social concerns. Both are priority stops for anyone surfing the net.

Horton's post from Light on Dark Water:

"What's more depressing than the drunks and joyless libertines who seem to comprise a good percentage of today's college students? What's more heartening than a bright, lively bunch of Catholic students challenging the conventional morbid hedonism? The Parousians are such a group at LSU, doing good things. Here's one of them taking on Margaret Sanger in the LSU student paper. That's nerve. And they have an interesting blog: a look at their links indicates a healthy disregard for some of the unhealthy divisions in the Church: First Things alongside the Catholic Worker. Good for them.

And, all together now: Wouldn't That Be A Good Name For A Band? Or an interesting one, anyway."

Again, many thanks to another role model for his support.

1 comment:

Brother Declan said...

I would encourage all the Parousians to enter the Margaret Sanger Art Contest!
