Monday, March 05, 2007

Speaking of NFP...

Tonight's LSU Parousian meeting was about abstinence education. One of the things we discussed as critical to a sexual education was educating kids about the problems and success rates associated with contraception as well as educating kids about how NFP works. I think this study would be tremendous in pushing to kids the unneccessary nature of artificial contraception. I saw this on a facebook note first from Andrew Kleiner from Conception College in Missouri so thanks to Andrew for the great info!

Study Shows that NFP is slightly MORE effective than artificial contraception.

1 comment:

William Eunice said...

FYI .. doctors that prescribe the pill know next to nothing about it from a safety aspect and many are down right antagonistic about "backwards methods" like NFP (which as you know is not the rhythm method) ... we had a doctor say "oh, so they have a name for it now"

Also cracking the "children are a burden" nutshell is another hurdle in convincing people to use NFP because when people start using NFP they find themselves open to having more children. After all the question of new life comes up on a fairly regular basis ...

Having used NFP on and off in our marriage my wife and I have no doubt that the method is effective. Our biggest problem is convincing people of that in light of the fact that we keep having children. We REALLY DID want more children. Our culture, sadly, has conditioned people not to believe that ...